Friday, February 27, 2015

Why You Should Visit the Dentist As You Near Retirement


In our dentist office, we treat patients of all ages and have found that many people believe that as they age, they are stuck with a dated smile or lost teeth and dentures.  This is certainly not the case.  Modern dentistry has changed significantly, and we have a variety of solutions that can be used to transform your smile.  Whether you are nearing retirement or are already a snowbird, we can give you back your youthful smile and appearance.
Here are some of the ways that we can do so:
  • Teeth whitening.  Many seniors don't like how their teeth look because they are yellow and dull.  This happens naturally with age and can be reversed by having a teeth whitening procedure completed.  Our solution can whiten your teeth by eight shades or more, which will dramatically improve your appearance and your smile.  Many of our patients find that once their smile has been whitened, they don't require any further dental work.
  • Dental veneers.  In our dentist office, we use dental veneers for a variety of reasons.  They are an excellent restorative solution if a tooth has been cracked or chipped.  Simultaneously, they can be used to cover dark stains that won't come up, make teeth the same size and shape, close gaps, and correct other imperfections.  If you are nearing retirement and have issues with your smile that have bothered you for years – now is an excellent time to correct them.
  • Dental crowns.  If you have any teeth that are infected or severely damaged, a dental crown may be a better solution for restoring them.  A crown surrounds your tooth like a cap, so it is an excellent way to improve the appearance of your tooth while preventing anything from actually touching it.  If you, like many people, had crowns in the past, we can replace the amalgam ones with ceramic crowns for a more natural looking appearance. 
  • Dental implants.  It is common to lose one or several teeth with age.  Many people turn to dentures for a replacement solution and while this works, we have an alternative.  We can replace your missing teeth with dental implants that are as durable and natural looking as your old tooth.  By securing a titanium post to your jawbone, underneath your gums, a new root system is created for a tooth to be attached to.  This will replace your tooth while also strengthening your jaw – important for maintaining your appearance. 
In our dentist office, we can help your smile to stay healthy and beautiful as you age.  Since your oral health needs change with time, we recommend that you visit our dentist office for an exam every six months.  During these appointments, we will clean your teeth and gums to ensure that your risk of cavities and gum disease are reduced.  If we identify any health issues, we can treat them right away before they cause you any discomfort. Simultaneously, if there is something cosmetic that you don't like about your teeth, let us know so that we can work with you to create a comprehensive treatment plan.


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

An Invisalign® Dentist Explains How Aligners Are Created

As an Invisalign dentist, we know that this is one of the most innovative and effective ways to straighten teeth. Through a gradual progression of trays, known as aligners, we will walk you through a process that starts in your current state and ends with perfectly aligned teeth. The process starts with an initial determination if you are eligible for this kind of treatment. Few people are ineligible, but we want to make sure that you are not one of the rare people on whom the treatment will not work. If there are any underlying conditions that could either delay the straightening process or hamper the progress, we will find out during the initial examination. One important distinction that needs to be made is that Invisalign is not designed to work on children. This product is for fully developed teeth in adults and teenagers, not for growing teeth as found in children.

Once the initial Invisalign examination concludes that you are a great candidate for the technology, we will proceed to take a number of measurements. These measurements are sent to the Invisalign  laboratory, where the technicians will fabricate your aligners. We will also be taking a dental impression of your teeth for use by the technicians. Using this impression, they will create a 3D model of your teeth, in their current condition, on their computer.

By scanning the impression and inputting all the measurements, the technicians can create a perfect 3D likeness of your teeth. They will use this model to formulate your entire treatment plan. Using computer animation, the laboratory will gradually and incrementally move your teeth into position. They do so along the same motion curve as the actual aligners will take so that they are noting the progress and adjusting accordingly. Since this entire process is based on the computer we, as an Invisalign  dentist, will have full access to the imaging. We will be giving instructions on teeth movement and making sure that the technicians are adjusting the treatment plan to be in keeping with where we want our teeth to end up. Once we are satisfied with the plan, we will give the go ahead for the laboratory to fabricate your aligners.

Aligner work on a principle of applied pressure and continuous growth. Each new set of aligners you receive is misaligned with your teeth for about 1/10th of a millimeter. When they are worn, they force the teeth to move into position so that the teeth fit the aligner. Since the aligner is straighter than your teeth, the teeth start to become straighter as well. Once your teeth fit the aligner perfectly, you will have achieved a 1/10th motion in the straightening of your teeth and are ready to move on to the next set of Invisalign aligners.

It is critical during this treatment that you wear your retainers at least 20 hours per day. Failure to do so can result in the teeth not moving the required amount, which will have a domino effect on future aligners and make the treatment less effective. As an Invisalign dentist, we can walk you through the process and help you to stay on track.