Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Ouch! If You Have Tooth Pain Call an Emergency Dentist

Emergency DentistYou never know when you will need a 24-hour dentist. A dental emergency, as with any health emergency can strike at any time and without warning. For some people, they will feel a moderate level of pain that all of a sudden escalates into unbearable tooth pain. For others, they need an emergency dentist after being in an accident. Regardless of when or why you need a dentist, we are available to help.

Two common reasons for needing an emergency dentist are injuring a tooth while playing sports or getting into an accident. According to the American Dental Association, the majority of adult tooth injuries are due to playing sports. Most adults don't have the time to play in an organized league so the likelihood of your tooth getting injured during a neighborhood game of basketball is actually fairly high. You can reduce your risk by keeping your teeth healthy in the first place or wearing a mouth guard while you play.

If your tooth was injured in a car accident or on the job, there typically isn't much you can do to prevent it. Scheduling regular dental exams and teeth cleanings will help your teeth to be healthy enough to withstand damage but there is no guarantee that your tooth won't become cracked, chipped, or even fall out during an accident. If this happens to you after business hours or on the weekend, you need to call a 24-hour dentist.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that the emergency room staff can treat tooth injuries. They can't and don't because they are trained in how to treat the rest of your body, but not in how to treat your teeth. This is why you need to visit a doctor of dentistry, not just a medical doctor. In fact, if you go to the ER, they will direct you to an emergency dentist instead.As a 24-hour dentist, you can call us at any time day or night.

We can provide the immediate relief you need when the pain becomes unbearable or restore your tooth after an accident. If your tooth has fallen out it is extremely important to see a dentist right away because we may be able to save it. Waiting until the morning is not an option when you are trying to do so. Instead, find your tooth, rinse it off and put it into a glass of milk. Once you get to our office, we will see if the tooth can be saved. If not, we will make other recommendations for replacing it such as installing a dental bridge or dental implants.

Likewise, if your tooth is in major pain, you can call our dentist office. We will examine your mouth and determine the reason you are experiencing pain before making treatment recommendations. By restoring your damaged tooth or treating an infection, we can correct your dental problems and help you to feel better in no time.


Friday, April 1, 2016

Learn How Laser Dentistry Makes Dental Procedures Easier and Painless

Laser DentistryWe use laser dentistry to improve the oral health of our patients and to make their recovery time faster if a procedure needs to be performed.  Laser is the modern alternative to the traditional metal tools used by dentists.  These same metal tools have been used for decades with the process and results being the same.  We live in the technology world where you can access the Internet from virtually anywhere, cook food in seconds, and find information with the click of a button.  In this day and age there is no reason to visit a dentist that uses the same tools that were used on your parents.
In our office, we leverage technology to help our patients to have a more enjoyable dental experience that is free from pain and discomfort.  We like using lasers because there is no cutting involved no stiches, and less bleeding.  This makes it easy for patients to recover from a dental procedure.

Laser dentistry can be used for a variety of procedures.  One of the ways that we use a laser light is to remove bacteria from the gum pockets.  Typically, the bacteria would need to be scraped out which can be very uncomfortable.  With lasers, the bacteria are eliminated without any discomfort or heat.  Since our procedure doesn't use heat, there is no risk to the healthy gum tissue either.  Eliminating the bacteria is the first step in treating gum disease because it allows the body to naturally heal itself and the damage to be reversed.  If the bacteria are left alone, any other treatments will not be effective.

After the bacteria have been eliminated using laser light, an ultrasonic scaler is used.  With this device, sound waves break up tartar and plaque that are on and around the teeth. This is far more comfortable than using a metal dental tool to scrape off the plaque.  This step is also important for allowing the gums to heal.  Once the plaque has been broken up, we use the laser again to finish the cleaning process.  The benefit to our clients is that we never physically touch the teeth and gums with a tool.  The laser light and ultrasonic scaler can complete the entire treatment and do so in a non-invasive way that is entirely comfortable.  The results are a healthy set of teeth and gums which will allow for new bone growth.

If you want a non-invasive, painless gum treatment – visit our office.  We have been voted as a local favorite for gum treatment and specialize in these procedures.  This increases the likelihood of you receiving the results that you want, and your gums healing faster than if you visit a less experienced dentist.  Keep in mind that when you experience laser dentistry, you can have your gum disease treated but done so in a way that doesn't hurt, and there is little to no recovery time.


Monday, March 14, 2016

The Future Has Arrived at Our CEREC Dentist Office

CEREC DentistAt our CEREC dentist office, we are excited to announce the future of dentistry.  Technology has made leaps and bounds in both medical and dental care, and this is one that change has arrived at our dental office. When creating dental crowns for cosmetic purposes like covering dark stains, closing gaps in teeth and changing their shape, we can now complete the procedure in one visit. The same is true for dental restorations when a crown is being used to restore a tooth that has become cracked, chipped, or is sensitive due to a lack of enamel.  In the past, these procedures required a minimum of two visits, where now they can be finished in one by creating same day crowns.

The old ways…
In the past, anyone that needed a dental crown would first come in for a dental examination so that we could determine the scope of work that needed to be done and ensure that a crown was the right solution.  If it was, we would make an impression of the teeth in order to send the dental lab the specifications they needed to create it. Since a crown has to fit not only the tooth, but work with the existing bite, it could take one to two weeks to complete this phase of the process.  In the meantime, patients were required to wear a temporary crown and then return for the final procedure.
In our office now…

As a CEREC dentist office, we are eliminating the wait by creating crowns the same day, using computerized technology.  If it is determined that a crown can solve your dental issue, we will take digital images of your teeth that are then uploaded into our CAD software.  The software then creates a 3D image of the crown, complete with specifications.  That information is then sent to a 3D printer so that the crown can be printed out while you wait.  The material is just as strong and durable as a crown made in the dental lab but since there is no human element; it can be completed while you wait.

The process
The tooth is still prepared by having a portion of the enamel removed so whether you receive a traditional crown or one that is printed out; your tooth will undergo this process.  The big difference is that the traditional method leaves your tooth exposed and in need of a temporary crown to protect it, while the new method creates a crown that can be bonded in place immediately.  We will make sure that the crown looks perfectly natural, regardless of which type you use.  Once it does, we will fit it to your tooth and use dental cement to bond it in place.  After the crown is secure, you can eat all of your favorite foods without worrying about how your tooth will feel.  Since, as a CEREC dentist, we can use this technology to create crowns faster, you can focus on enjoying life rather than visiting the dentist.


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Visit Our Cosmetic Dentist Office For These Procedures

Cosmetic DentistOur cosmetic dentist office can transform your smile from dull to brilliant. No matter what your particular needs are, we know how to help. Some of the most common treatments we employ are listed below to provide you with insight regarding our viable methods.

Fillings: If you need a filling to remedy a cavity, we can provide you with a tooth-colored filling that will look natural against the color of your tooth. Our fillings are durable and will protect your vulnerable teeth from more damage for years to come.

Bonding: In our cosmetic dentist office, our dental bonding is made of a similar material as our composite resin fillings, but it is used to fill in chips and cracks in your teeth to improve esthetic value. If you have a minor imperfection that you would like covered, dental bonding is an attractive and long-lasting solution that requires minimal chair time. Our bonding solution is also tooth-colored, so it blends in with your natural tooth color.

Crowns: We use crowns to cover damaged teeth that are too impaired to be fixed by a filling or bonding. They cover your entire tooth for the most protection against decay and further damage. We can offer you attractive, natural-looking crowns that match your other teeth. While natural looking, they are so durable that can withstand immense pressure and are stain resistant.

Teeth Whitening: To brighten a dull smile, our cosmetic dentist office can give you a thorough teeth whitening strategy that can be implemented as needed to achieve the white shade you desire. A whitening can transform your smile in a simple, but effective way.

Dental Veneers: Our veneers are very thin, tooth-colored shells that can be applied to the fronts of your teeth as attractive coverage for crooked or discolored teeth. Veneers are long-lasting and are a minimally invasive way to cover up dental flaws and to restore teeth that have been damaged in an accident.

Dental Bridges: A dental bridge is a semi-permanent replacement for missing teeth. If you have one missing tooth or several missing teeth, our dental bridge provides fabricated teeth that match your other ones. The bridge will fit into the gap created by your former teeth. The false teeth will be secured in place by two crown anchors attached to your strong existing teeth.

Dental Implant: A dental implant will be your most attractive and permanent replacement option. Our cosmetic dentist office will secure a titanium rod into the root opening that was left by your former tooth. This rod will be attached to the replacement tooth to hold it in place. With time, the titanium rod will graft with your jawbone to create the most permanent solution to a missing tooth.
For all your esthetic dentistry needs, our cosmetic dentist office can help. We can provide you with comprehensive care so that no imperfection is left unrefined. You will be pleased with the timely, durable, and attractive solutions we can provide for your dental needs.


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before a Cosmetic Dentistry Appointment

Cosmetic DentistryCosmetic dentistry is an excellent way to improve your smile, transforming imperfections into beautiful teeth.  With so many treatment options and a world of possibilities it is important to narrow down what your goals and objectives are before meeting with the dentist.  This will ensure that you can clearly articulate what you want to accomplish.

When scheduling an appointment with our office, we recommend that you have your teeth cleaned and examined at the same time.  This way we can help to keep your teeth healthy and be sure that there are no lingering health issues that need to be addressed prior to starting any cosmetic work.  Once the examination is complete, pull out your list of notes and let us know what you don't like about your smile.

Before your appointment consider the following:
How much time do you have available?  Any type of dental work comes with a time commitment.  Whether it is one appointment or five, we need to know how much time you have available along with if you are on a deadline. For example, if you are getting married in six months we will want to know about it so that all of your treatments can be scheduled accordingly.  This may influence which treatments we recommend.  Simultaneously, if it is hard for you to take time off of work we will want to know so that we can look for appointment times that would work for you and allow for recovery over the weekend.  There is no right or wrong answer; we just need the information to plan accordingly.

How white do you want your teeth?  It is important for you to feel comfortable with your teeth.  In our cosmetic dentistry office, we need to know how white you want your teeth to get.  Whether completing a teeth whitening procedure or applying dental veneers or crowns, we need to know the shade you are comfortable with so that they can be created accordingly.

What don't you like about your smile?  Come with a list of the things that you would improve if you could.  This should be as specific as possible so that we can be sure to address each issue.  For example, “I don't like my smile” makes it difficult to provide treatment recommendations.  On the other hand, “I don't like the gaps in between my teeth or their color” is easy to understand and to identify treatment solutions.  We can easily see what issues are preventing your smile from looking perfect, but it is unnecessary to treat something that isn't bothering you.

Do you like the appearance of your gums?  Many people suffer from a gummy smile where too much of their gum tissue shows for comfort.  Others struggle with a receding gum line.  We can help you with both problems and need to know how you feel about your gums.

Our cosmetic dentistry office has a plethora of options for treating your teeth and correcting any imperfections in your smile.  By coming prepared to discuss what you want, we can make more thorough treatment recommendations.


Monday, February 1, 2016

Learn About Teeth Whitening Products Before Buying Them

Teeth WhiteningHere is an interesting fact about teeth whitening. Did you know that out of the millions of Americans who use an over the counter teeth whitening solution this year, one in every twenty-five (1:25) will have to be seen by a dentist for a level of pain or discomfort? This pain varies from the mild and bearable to the “I'm in so much pain, a root canal sounds good”. It is important to note that this isn't because teeth whitening is bad, in fact, when we perform the procedure it is pain-free. The discomfort is typically caused by ill-fitting trays or overuse.

Solutions for teeth whitening have been around forever. The earliest tooth brushing was invented to try and keep teeth white and healthy while ancient cultures are known to have rubbed charcoal on their teeth to make them whiter. Needless to say men, and women, have been obsessed with having white teeth for a very long time. Enter the modern world where consumerism drives everything, and there are now a million solutions available easily, and over the counter, at your local pharmaceutical store. While convenience is wonderful, it also carries its own set of risks as many people whiten without the help of a professional.

The massive influx of products has created the only known problem with teeth whitening. Overuse is a common and sometimes painful problem for people who whiten their teeth. But why do people overuse the products? We believe that the answer is simple and starts with the quest for the perfect white teeth and brilliant smile. Over-the-counter products do a great job of getting the smile back the first time. However, what most will not tell you is that after a while, a smile starts to fade, and the brilliance of the teeth's whiteness starts to diminish. Naturally the teeth will once again start to stain and return to a less than optimal color that is more natural. This is upsetting to some people, and the tendency is to then use the product again, and again, and keep using it every time the smile fades even slightly.

As dentists, we recommend not using a whitening product more than once every 4 to 6 months. This avoids overuse and protects your gums from getting irritated from over exposure to the bleach and other chemicals that are found in the whitening agents. Teeth whitening is designed to help whiten your teeth, but not on a monthly basis. Frequent users, sometimes whitening their teeth more than once a month, are at greater risk for irritation or applying the product to a cavity or infected gum. Any of these scenarios can lead to discomfort.

Our advice is simple. Don't overuse over the counter teeth whitening products. If you want your teeth to get whiter, have the procedure done at our office instead.  Our solutions are more effective than anything you can buy at the store and we will ensure your comfort during the process.


Friday, January 15, 2016

The Truth About Acid Reflux and Your Teeth From our Dental Office

In our dental office, we help patients that suffer from acid reflux disease and are dealing with tooth erosion as a result.  Reflux-induced erosion is a common problem that can impact both children and adults.  As acid travels up through the esophagus, it enters the mouth and can start to attack the teeth.  The acid will start to wear away the teeth one layer at a time until they become thin and brittle.

According to a report by the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project between twenty and thirty percent of U.S. adults, experience the symptoms of acid reflux or GERD on a weekly basis.  A full sixty percent of the population has these symptoms at least yearly.  This manifests as a burning sensation in the chest and throat as acid works its way backwards and up the esophagus. This proves problematic for many people, making it difficult to eat and sleep along with interfering with their concentration at work. Acid reflux also creates health problems in the stomach, esophagus and throat in addition to impacting the teeth.

In our dental office, we want to know if our patients have acid reflux so that we can help to prevent erosion in addition to treating it.  By keeping teeth healthy and clean, they will remain stronger.  For example, people that have cavities or gum disease will naturally be more susceptible to getting cavities and suffering other dental health issues. While cleaning teeth, we can remove bacteria from the teeth and gum lines so that they can remain healthy and cavity free.  We can also provide a fluoride treatment for teeth that need strengthening and are at risk for erosion. These preventative steps aid in keeping the mouth healthy.

If the erosion does occur, it will first attack the enamel and cause it to wear away.  As it does, the dentin underneath will become exposed which leads to sensitive teeth.  When food touches the dentin it is simultaneously touching the nerve endings inside of it.  This can lead to the pain signal being transferred to the brain, leading to an increase in sensitivity that many patients complain of.  In this early stage, we can help by completing a bonding procedure to seal the dentin.  This works well in the beginning stages but as erosion becomes more advanced; the teeth will become weak, thin and brittle.  At this point, the best way to protect the teeth is to place a crown around them.  A crown is a cap that surrounds the tooth and prevents anything from touching it.  This procedure allows us to save a tooth that may have otherwise been pulled due to erosion.

In our dental office, we also recommend that patients take medication to control their acid reflux.  By seeing your doctor, you can get a prescription that will help you to feel better and to protect your teeth.  If an attack does occur, you should avoid brushing your teeth for an hour, but be sure to rinse your mouth in order to neutralize some of the acid.


Friday, January 1, 2016

Why You Should See an Invisalign Dentist

Invisalign DentistAn experienced Invisalign dentist can transform your smile into something straight and beautiful, without anyone knowing you are having a dental procedure completed.  The best thing about this process is that your teeth can be straightened using a clear device that is unnoticeable and inconspicuous.  This is ideal for busy professionals, teens, or those concerned over how metal braces could impact their appearance.

In order to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure, schedule a dental exam and consultation.  Our team of professionals will evaluate your teeth, gums, and jaw to determine if Invisalign will accomplish the goals that you have for your smile and your dental health.  Patients that have a misaligned jaw may still need traditional metal braces in order to correct it.

The Process

An Invisalign dentist will create a treatment plan that takes you from where your teeth are today to completely straight and gorgeous, using clear aligners.  An aligner looks like a clear retainer.  It completely surrounds your teeth, and patients are typically provided one for both the upper and lower teeth.  To start, a mold will be taken of your mouth.  In the lab, aligners will be produced for your entire treatment plan.  Each aligner takes your teeth one step closer to being straight.

At home, you will switch out the aligner every couple of weeks. This will keep your teeth moving in the right direction, without requiring constant visits to the orthodontist.  Since this is done on your own time, scheduling follow up appointments becomes much easier.

The aligner is supposed to be worn for around 22 hours a day.  This leaves time to enjoy a special dinner out, brush your teeth, and eat your favorite caramel apple.  One of the benefits of Invisalign is that you have the freedom to take the aligner out, instead of being stuck with braces regardless of the occasion.  In addition, your teeth will look straighter throughout the process, helping your appearance to improve immediately.

While you are straightening your teeth, it is important to practice good oral health care at home.  Brush your teeth twice a day, use floss, and an antiseptic mouthwash to kill bacteria.  You can also brush your aligner with a soft toothbrush and toothpaste.  Visit your Invisalign dentist for regular teeth cleanings to remove any additional bacteria that may form in your mouth.  This will help to prevent cavities and gum disease while keeping your teeth healthy for the procedure.  Since the aligner is replaced every couple of weeks there is less risk of it carrying infection causing bacteria, as well.

An Invisalign dentist can do wonders for your smile and help you to look positively radiant.  As your teeth continue to straighten, you will notice changes and improvements to your appearance.  We also recommend that patients have their teeth whitened as part of their big reveal.  We offer professional teeth whitening services that can whiten your smile by up to eight shades.  Once the process is complete, you will be delighted with your bright, straight smile.
