Friday, October 24, 2014

Visit the Dentist and Keep Your Kids Teeth Cavity Free This Halloween

As Halloween approaches, it is a great time to visit the dentist and have your kid's teeth cleaned.  We recommend that you have their teeth cleaned and examined twice a year so that we can remove any bacteria and plaque that has built up over time.  No matter how hard you try to keep your kids teeth clean, there are spaces that are simply too hard to reach with brushing and flossing alone.  This is why a professional teeth cleaning is so important. By having their teeth cleaned this fall, we can help to prevent cavities and gum disease.  If a cavity has developed, we can treat it right away so that the infection doesn't spread, and their tooth doesn't start to hurt.  Preventing pain is far better than waiting for it to develop before getting treatment. 

This Halloween, visit the dentist and go into the holiday season with a mouth full of healthy teeth.  You can help your kids’ teeth to stay that way by encouraging them to skip the massive sugar overload that comes with Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.  One way to do so is to skip trick-or-treating this year.  Instead, you could throw a costume party for them and all of their friends.  Incorporate fun games and healthy treats instead of bags full of sugar.  If they don’t want to skip the annual tradition, you can still go out but have them trade in their candy for a new toy or another reward.  This will teach them that treats come in multiple forms, not just candy. 
Here are additional ways you can make trick-or-treating healthier, even with the candy.
  • Eat before you go.  Feed your kids a dinner that is full of healthy food like lean protein, veggies, complex carbs, and dairy products.  This will help to keep their teeth and body healthy while giving them plenty of energy.  It will also fill them up so that they will be less likely to get hungry and dive into the candy bag for nourishment. 
  • Carry snacks.  You should also carry healthy snacks like a piece of cheese or apples so that if your kids do get hungry, they can eat something that is good for them. 
  • Drink more water.  Staying hydrated is important for your kids’ health and drinking water can also help your teeth to stay healthy. If they eat a piece of candy, drinking water can wash away some of the sugar that has been deposited onto their teeth. 
  • Carry mouthwash.  You can bring a travel size antiseptic mouthwash like Listerine.  Ask your kids to rinse their mouth after eating a sugary treat so that the bacteria are killed.  This is a good idea every day and not just on Halloween. 
As a dentist, we recommend that you limit how much sugar you allow your kids to eat.  Many parents make the holidays a free for all in the treats department.  This is bad for your kids’ oral health and will make it hard for them to limit themselves as they grow.  It is better to start these healthy habits while they are young.