Wednesday, January 28, 2015

CEREC Dentistry: The Future of Dental Restorations

CEREC Dentistry
As a provider of CEREC dentistry, we are happy to brag about the latest technology being used in our office.  For patients that are in need of restorations due to a car wreck, sports injury or a health issue, we can complete the restoration in one convenient visit.  We understand that our patients are busy with lives full of meetings, school activities, sports, family obligations and all of the other little things that make up modern life.  This can leave very little time for trips to the dentist.  Moms may find this especially challenging when trying to also arrange for child care or pick-ups and drop-offs.  This is why we have found a faster way to complete restorations.

If your tooth is damaged, we recommend that you visit our office right away so that we can examine it and determine the best way to restore it.  If your tooth is cracked, chipped or the enamel has worn way, there is a good chance that we will recommend using a dental crown to restore it.  A crown surrounds the tooth like a cap so that nothing can touch the tooth underneath.  This makes it possible to save teeth that have been severely damaged while giving you the ability to bite down with force, without the fear of discomfort. 

The past…
Previously, those that needed a dental crown could benefit from this comprehensive solution but in order to get there, it would take at least two appointments.  On the first appointment, an impression would be made of the tooth and the surrounding teeth so that the dental lab could use that information to create a crown in the right size and shape.  Since each crown has to fit perfectly in order for your bite to correctly function, it would take the lab one to two weeks to finish it.  During that time, we would prepare the tooth by removing enough enamel so that when the crown was placed, the surrounding teeth would not be irritated.  Since there was a delay between tooth preparation and receiving the crown, we would place a temporary crown over the tooth in order to protect it.  CEREC dentistry has changed this part of the process.

Right now…
Instead of making an impression of the teeth and sending the information to the lab, we can now take digital images of the damaged tooth and mouth that can be uploaded into our CAD software.  The computer is then able to create the exact specifications for the crowns shape.  These instructions are then sent to a 3D printer for the crown to be created while you wait.  All of this is done using computer technology so that no human intervention is required.  This makes it possible to complete what was previously done in two weeks, in two hours or less.  In the meantime, we will still prepare your tooth. The difference is that we can immediately bond the permanent crown in place so that you don’t have to wear a temporary or come back in for a second step.  This makes CEREC dentistry the wave of the future and a convenient one at that.