Friday, April 3, 2015

What Is a Cosmetic Dentist and What Do They Do?

Cosmetic Dentist
The difference between a cosmetic dentist and a general dentist is that while a general dentist is usually solely focused on the function and health of a person's teeth, gums and/or bite, a cosmetic dentist specializes in the appearance of the teeth in addition to their function.

For the most part, general dentists focus on ensuring that your teeth and gums are both functional and healthy. However, while they may be functional, not all dental solutions look good. While patients may be relieved that their problem has been 'fixed', some people may not be happy with how their teeth look, especially in regard to their front teeth.

In our office, the work of a cosmetic dentist extends beyond ensuring that your teeth and gums are both functional and healthy. They are also concerned about whether or not you are pleased with the appearance of your teeth and, if not, work to create a beautiful smile that you are pleased with. They do not just restore teeth to their original appearance, but work to improve the shape and color of your teeth, which will largely depend on your personal preferences and opinion.  This doesn't necessarily mean that every person wants or can achieve, a 'Hollywood' smile. It simply means that crooked, misaligned or stained teeth can play havoc with your self-image and we can correct them.

Common Cosmetic Dental Procedures
  • Teeth Whitening: Not only do many people have naturally yellowish teeth, but the enamel is susceptible to discoloration by certain medications, red wine, coffee, tea, and nicotine. Many stains can be removed, and natural discoloration improved by a whitening procedure.
  • Dental Veneers: Dental veneers, made of either porcelain or composite resin, are wafer-thin, custom-made, 'shells' bonded to each tooth. They are custom made to match the natural color of your teeth and improve your appearance by changing the shape, length or size of an existing tooth.
  • Crowns: Dental crowns are tooth-shaped "caps" that partially, or completely, covers the visible part of the tooth. Crowns can restore or change the shape of the tooth, and thus can vastly improve its appearance.
  • Crown-Lengthening: raises and sculpts the gum line. This procedure reshapes the gum tissue which can balance an asymmetrical gum line, or reduce a 'gummy' smile. 
  • Bonding: a process in which an enamel-like material is applied to the surface of the tooth, sculpted, then hardened and polished.
If you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth and would like to improve your smile, there are quite a few options open to you over and above the few mentioned above.  After examining your mouth and thoroughly assessing your individual problems, we will be able to discuss all possible options with you, including the pros and cons of each method. We will also discuss what the changes will look like, the details of the treatment, and what maintenance will be necessary. As a cosmetic dentist, our goal is to produce the result that you are happy with and to use the least invasive procedures as possible.