Wednesday, June 3, 2015

A Cosmetic Dentist Can Help You With Bite Balancing

Cosmetic Dentist
As a cosmetic dentist, we can complete bite balancing procedures to improve the appearance and function of your bite.  When most people think about a beautiful smile, they think of bright, white, and straight teeth.  Few consider the jaw.  However, the jaw and bite often have the largest impact on how the smile looks.  This is because if you have an overbite, underbite or crossbite, it can alter the shape of your face.   Very often this is improved with orthodontics as part of a braces treatment.  It can also be corrected by cosmetic dentistry.
Whether you are best served by orthodontics or cosmetic dentistry depends on what is causing your bite to be off in the first place. As a dentist, we will examine your teeth and gums, take x-rays and watch for signs of anything that could disrupt how your teeth come together.  

Some common reasons are –
  • Old dental work that has worn down such as an older crown
  • Chipped teeth
  • Uneven tooth wear
  • Receding gums
  • Adult tooth loss
  • Teeth moving out of position due to a tongue thrust, accident, etc.
If we notice any of these issues during your dental examination, we can talk about the procedures that can be used to aid in your bite balancing.  For example, if your bite is off due to a chipped tooth, we can restore the tooth in our cosmetic dentistry office.  This can be done with a bonding procedure or a dental crown.  Both appear natural, and both will restore the full functionality of the damaged tooth.  Once the chip has been restored, your teeth should come together properly.  Another example is if a few teeth are worn down and the bite is not coming together correctly as a result.  This too can be fixed with dental crowns and once done, your bite should be improved.

Some other ways that bite balancing can occur is by replacing any teeth that have been lost.  We can use dental implants or a dental bridge to replace missing teeth.  As a cosmetic dentist, we perform these procedures on a regular basis, and once all of your missing teeth are replaced, it will be easier to bite down correctly.  Your smile will be improved at the same time.  Any time that we complete a procedure like this for bite balancing we will not only replace the tooth but ensure that the shape is a perfect for your bite.  This requires the skill of an expert, making it necessary to visit a cosmetic dentist that completes restorations on a regular basis.
If you have more significant issues with your smile or your bite, we may recommend retention or an orthodontics procedure. We will discuss the pros and cons of all options, which procedures can be completed the fastest and what is best for your particular situation. Our bite balancing procedures are incredibly effective and as a cosmetic dentist, we can make sure that your bite and smile are beautiful.