Wednesday, September 30, 2015

If You Are Pressed for Time, You Need CEREC Dentistry

CEREC DentistryWe provide CEREC dentistry for patients looking for an immediate dental restoration or to improve the appearance of their smile. If you are currently in need of dental care and want to have your oral health issues solved immediately, CEREC is the best solution for you because it allows us to eliminate the need for a dental lab in most cases. This means there is no delay between when you visit our office with a need and when we will be able to resolve that need.

Traditional Dentistry vs. CEREC Dentistry

The difference between the two options is dramatic, and the best way to describe it is with an example. If you chip a tooth playing softball, you will need to visit a dentist to have that tooth restored so you can eat like normal and not be in discomfort. Typically, on your first appointment, your teeth will be examined and x-rays taken. Next, an impression of your mouth and measurements will be taken so information can be sent to the dental lab for them to create a new crown or veneer. While, in the office, a portion of enamel will be removed from your tooth so when the final restoration is complete, it can be placed without making your tooth appear overly large. The challenge is that your prepared tooth will be sensitive to everything, including air. To protect it, a temporary restoration needs to be secured using removable glue. You will then need to wear it for a week or two and be careful with what you eat and how you brush your teeth during this time. Many patients have complained that this is inconvenient and requires too many dental appointments since you would then need to come back in so the temporary can be removed and the final restoration bonded in place. That scenario is what you can expect with traditional dentistry.

CEREC dentistry is entirely different. When you come in for a restoration, measurements and images are taken and then uploaded into our software so a 3D model of your tooth can be created. The software will come up with a blueprint that is sent to our milling machine so your restoration can be completed while your tooth is being prepared. A portion of the enamel will still need to be removed, but once done, there is no need for a temporary restoration to be secured. This means you will not need to worry about what you eat or have the temporary come loose. Instead, you will be fitted for a permanent restoration before you leave, and we will bond it in place. When you walk out our doors, you will be doing so with a fully restored tooth that looks completely natural. In this way, CEREC dentistry is enhancing and improving the experience of our patients.

Given how fast and easy CEREC dentistry is, many of our patients are also seeking this solution to improve the appearance of their teeth by using restorations to close gaps, make teeth appear straighter, cover dark stains, and more. To learn about these options for your smile, call and schedule an appointment today.


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Impact And Convenience Of Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers
Among dental devices, dental veneers have made a true impact on how people get their teeth fixed. The goal when you go to a cosmetic dentist is to make sure you leave with a better smile and great-looking teeth. To this end, your cosmetic dentist has a number of tools and tricks, including multiple treatment options that can be used in tandem to give you the best results. Even in this crowded marketplace, dental veneers have been able to shine with their price point, their ease of use, and a number of other advantages they bring to the table. As the demand for better-looking smiles has increased, dental veneers have become one of the most popular ways to achieve that. Many people like the fact that dental veneers augment the teeth, keeping most of your original tooth structure in place while making them look better. Whenever you start augmenting your teeth or using a dental prosthetic, you will be in a situation where your cosmetic dentist will need to remove some or all of your natural enamel to fit the new device.

When it comes to dental veneers, we only remove a very small portion of the enamel, often less than a few millimeters. This allows the veneers to fit properly on the tooth. On the other hand, if you were to get dental crowns, they would require that we shave away the vast majority of your natural enamel, leaving only a nub to which we can attach the new crown for stability. With dental implants, it is even more severe. Dental implants, unlike dental veneers, require that we remove the entire tooth and the root with it, so there is room for a new implant and its new crown. The ability to save the vast majority of your enamel is only one advantage dental veneers offer. Other advantages include a quicker healing and treatment time.

When you opt to get dental veneers, you are shortening the time of your treatment significantly. For the most part, unless there are unforeseen circumstances, you will get your custom dental veneers fitted on the second visit. While this visit may be slightly longer than a traditional appointment, it is far shorter than the treatment time that comes with other options of treatment. For example, you can actually correct mild malocclusion, or crooked teeth, with your dental veneers. On the other hand, you could choose to use braces or Invisalign ® to do the same treatment. Where your veneers would be fitted and completed in the second visit, your braces would require a year or more of treatment. While it is true that veneers can only resolve minor crooked teeth, and that if your condition is severe, you will still need braces or Invisalign®, it is also true that after you are done with your straightening using one of those methods, you will need to add additional treatments like teeth whitening to finish the effect. Dental veneers can solve both problems in one simple solution.
