When it comes to dental veneers, we only remove a very small portion of the enamel, often less than a few millimeters. This allows the veneers to fit properly on the tooth. On the other hand, if you were to get dental crowns, they would require that we shave away the vast majority of your natural enamel, leaving only a nub to which we can attach the new crown for stability. With dental implants, it is even more severe. Dental implants, unlike dental veneers, require that we remove the entire tooth and the root with it, so there is room for a new implant and its new crown. The ability to save the vast majority of your enamel is only one advantage dental veneers offer. Other advantages include a quicker healing and treatment time.
When you opt to get dental veneers, you are shortening the time of your treatment significantly. For the most part, unless there are unforeseen circumstances, you will get your custom dental veneers fitted on the second visit. While this visit may be slightly longer than a traditional appointment, it is far shorter than the treatment time that comes with other options of treatment. For example, you can actually correct mild malocclusion, or crooked teeth, with your dental veneers. On the other hand, you could choose to use braces or Invisalign ® to do the same treatment. Where your veneers would be fitted and completed in the second visit, your braces would require a year or more of treatment. While it is true that veneers can only resolve minor crooked teeth, and that if your condition is severe, you will still need braces or Invisalign®, it is also true that after you are done with your straightening using one of those methods, you will need to add additional treatments like teeth whitening to finish the effect. Dental veneers can solve both problems in one simple solution.