Monday, December 1, 2014

A Painless Dentist Perfects The Art of Administering Anesthesia

Painless Dentist
As a successful painless dentist, one of the techniques we have mastered is the ability to give painless injections. Let’s face it, there is nothing quite as scary as the injections which must be given as part of local anesthesia. From a patient's point of view, the doctor or anesthesiologist, inserts a large needle into their mouth and proceeds to give them an injection in the gum or cheek. This is literally the stuff some people's nightmares are made of. Even for those without a phobia this is a daunting prospect and one that virtually all patients walk into the office dreading. A successful shot without pain and the subsequent numbing can do wonders to ensure that the patient continues to get the dental care the need regardless of the fear. A bad shot can have exactly the opposite effect. 

Being a painless dentist involves mastering the art of the anesthesiology. Knowing how much to give a patient, what kind of anesthesia to administer, and delivering this while alleviating the pain and fear of receiving shots are hallmarks of what we do every day. Our patients long told us that a painless start, keeping the injection comfortable, is what they would like to see, and we have since perfected it.

The perfect shot, of local anesthesia, begins with empathy. Some dentists have become extremely busy or have simply lost the ability to address a patient's fears. Taking the time to show empathy and demonstrate caring goes a long way to removing the fear a patient has, as well has it humanizes the dentist and makes the rest of the treatment easier as well. From making sure to address all your fears to ensuring that you are completely comfortable, our painless dentist seek to make your experience at the clinic truly stress-free.

Before we ever advance to the stage of giving you an injection, in the gum or check, we will ensure that your area is completely numb. If you have been to the dentist before you know, this is the stage where we dab your check or gum with a solution, and it slowly loses its sensation. This is known as topical anesthesia and is designed to take away all feeling from the area it affects. What this allows us to do is to give you a local anesthetic shot in the area, which lasts longer. Typically you will not feel any pain when we give you this injection as the topical anesthesia will work to ensure the absence of pain. We will let you sit with the solution doing its work for several minutes, or until you are completely numb. 

Once you are very numb, in other words, unable to feel the site, we will give you the local anesthesia through an injection, which you will not feel at all. Your painless dentist will ensure that you have sufficient amounts of the anesthesia in your system to last for the entire surgery and will monitor this carefully.