Monday, December 29, 2014

Ask These Questions Before Seeing a Cosmetic Dentist

Cosmetic Dentist
If you are visiting our cosmetic dentist office to discuss a smile makeover or what you don’t like about your smile, you are in luck.  We have a variety of procedures that we can use to transform a dull and ordinary smile into something spectacular.  Before we can get started, we will need to know more about you and what you are trying to accomplish.  As such, we recommend asking yourself these questions first:

How white do I want my teeth?  This is entirely up to you.  With our in-office whitening procedures, we can whiten by more than eight shades in one visit, transforming both smiles and confidence in the process.  It is, however, important that you know ahead of time how white you want to go so that you are pleased with the results. 

Is the right amount of gum showing?  When you smile, it is normal to see some of your gums.   However, some people have too much gum tissue, and that tissue needs to be surgically removed in order for the proper amount of teeth to show. 

Do my teeth look like the right size?  It is fairly normal for teeth to come in either too big or too little.  As a result, they can look like an odd size compared with a persons’ smile.  If your teeth look out of place, we have procedures that can help to change their shape.

Do my teeth need to be perfectly straight?  We have multiple ways to straighten teeth, but which one we use needs to be based on what your goals are.  If your goals are to deal with a few problem teeth, we can treat them while leaving the other teeth intact.  If, on the other hand, you mainly want to straighten all of your teeth, you may need more of an orthodontics treatment. 

Are there any other imperfections I want to be corrected?  Make a list of what you don’t like about your teeth and bring it with you to your appointment with a cosmetic dentist.  That way you can go over everything in detail and discuss the various methods for treating what you don’t like.  This will ensure that you and your dentist don’t miss anything. 

Modern technology has improved to the point where full smile makeovers are possible.  It is rare to find anything about your teeth or your smile that cannot be corrected with the skilled hand of a cosmetic dentist.  Even crooked teeth, broken teeth, stained teeth, and chipped teeth can all be fixed in a way that looks completely natural.  That is perhaps one of the best things about cosmetic dentistry.  When done correctly, you can’t tell that any work was done – it simply blends in.  In fact, many patients won’t even remember which teeth had issues that need to be corrected.  Ask anyone that has a tooth-colored filling which teeth had a cavity, and they are unlikely to be able to point it out.  To learn more about your options, call and schedule an appointment. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

A Painless Dentist Perfects The Art of Administering Anesthesia

Painless Dentist
As a successful painless dentist, one of the techniques we have mastered is the ability to give painless injections. Let’s face it, there is nothing quite as scary as the injections which must be given as part of local anesthesia. From a patient's point of view, the doctor or anesthesiologist, inserts a large needle into their mouth and proceeds to give them an injection in the gum or cheek. This is literally the stuff some people's nightmares are made of. Even for those without a phobia this is a daunting prospect and one that virtually all patients walk into the office dreading. A successful shot without pain and the subsequent numbing can do wonders to ensure that the patient continues to get the dental care the need regardless of the fear. A bad shot can have exactly the opposite effect. 

Being a painless dentist involves mastering the art of the anesthesiology. Knowing how much to give a patient, what kind of anesthesia to administer, and delivering this while alleviating the pain and fear of receiving shots are hallmarks of what we do every day. Our patients long told us that a painless start, keeping the injection comfortable, is what they would like to see, and we have since perfected it.

The perfect shot, of local anesthesia, begins with empathy. Some dentists have become extremely busy or have simply lost the ability to address a patient's fears. Taking the time to show empathy and demonstrate caring goes a long way to removing the fear a patient has, as well has it humanizes the dentist and makes the rest of the treatment easier as well. From making sure to address all your fears to ensuring that you are completely comfortable, our painless dentist seek to make your experience at the clinic truly stress-free.

Before we ever advance to the stage of giving you an injection, in the gum or check, we will ensure that your area is completely numb. If you have been to the dentist before you know, this is the stage where we dab your check or gum with a solution, and it slowly loses its sensation. This is known as topical anesthesia and is designed to take away all feeling from the area it affects. What this allows us to do is to give you a local anesthetic shot in the area, which lasts longer. Typically you will not feel any pain when we give you this injection as the topical anesthesia will work to ensure the absence of pain. We will let you sit with the solution doing its work for several minutes, or until you are completely numb. 

Once you are very numb, in other words, unable to feel the site, we will give you the local anesthesia through an injection, which you will not feel at all. Your painless dentist will ensure that you have sufficient amounts of the anesthesia in your system to last for the entire surgery and will monitor this carefully. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Tips From The Dentist For Getting a Good Clean While Brushing Your Teeth

When you visit our dentist office, we will perform a teeth cleaning and remove any bacteria, plaque and tartar that we find on your teeth and gums.  This will help your mouth to stay healthy and to prevent cavities and gum disease. We recommend that you visit us at least twice a year in order to keep your teeth in good condition.  Additionally, there are things you can do at home to keep your teeth healthy.  
Brushing your teeth is an important step in preventing cavities and gum disease. You should brush at least twice a day and after every meal if possible.  It isn’t enough to simply brush your teeth.  You need to brush them properly so that they get clean without irritating your gums. 
Here are tips from our dentist office for getting the best clean possible. 
  • The three-month rule.  Many people will use their toothbrush for a year or longer.  This is problematic for several reasons. First, the bristles will start to fray, and your teeth won’t get as clean.  Secondly, bacteria will start to grow on your toothbrush and negatively impact your health.  You should replace your toothbrush every three months.
  • Soft vs. hard.  A hard toothbrush can give the illusion that you are getting a better clean.  The challenge is that a hard toothbrush can actually be bad for you.  It can strip away the enamel on your teeth, leading to tooth sensitivity.  It can also irritate your gums and cause them to bleed.  We recommend switching out your hard toothbrush for a soft one. 
  • Motion matters.  How you brush your teeth is important.  Don’t brush your teeth from front to back in a straight line.  Instead, use a circular motion.  You should brush away from your gums. If you are brushing your top teeth, start at the gums and move downward.  If you are brushing your lower teeth, start at the gums and brush upwards. 
  • Toothpaste.  Use toothpaste that has the American Dental Association seal of approval.  As a dentist, we recommend using one that contains fluoride since fluoride can help to strengthen your teeth and prevent cavities. 
  • Dry it out.  When you are done brushing your teeth, make sure to store your toothbrush somewhere that it can get nice and dry.  You don’t want to brush with a wet toothbrush because bacteria can grow on it.  Placing bacteria filled toothbrush into your mouth is simply not a good idea. 
  • Go electric.  In order to improve your clean, try an electronic toothbrush.  It will thoroughly clean your teeth without irritating them.  You can even purchase a battery operated one at the drug store for under $15.  
Follow these tips from the dentist for brushing your teeth and if you have any questions, ask us during your next teeth cleaning.  Make sure to including flossing in your daily health care routine as well so that you can get bacteria and food out of hard to reach places.  

Monday, November 3, 2014

How to Save Money When Visiting Our Dental Office

In our local dental office, we understand that most of our patients live on a budget and saving money is important.  The larger your family is; the more important this can be as paying for medical bills for one person can be difficult, paying for six is even harder.  As a family dentist, we want all of our patients to be able to afford the dental health care that they need.  Using these tips can make it possible. 
  • Practice at-home care.  Taking care of your teeth at home is an important way to keep your teeth and your kids teeth, in great health.  It starts with eating a healthy diet that includes green leafy vegetables, lean protein, dairy products and complex carbs in addition to drinking plenty of water.  Try to eliminate sugar from your diet since it can increase your risk of cavities.  You also need to brush teeth throughout the day and floss at least daily.  This will help to remove sugar, bacteria, and plaque before an infection starts.  
  • Brush correctly.  When brushing your teeth take the time to make a circular motion that starts at the gum line and works towards the center of your mouth.  Use a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste for the biggest impact.  We can suggest ways to improve your technique in our dental office
  • Wear a mouth guard.  You can prevent the athletes in your family from getting tooth injuries by wearing a mouth guard while playing sports.  The American Dental Association estimates that this prevents over 200,000 high school and college football injuries every year in addition to protecting adults, younger children, and those playing other sports.  By protecting teeth, you can prevent the expense of a restoration or tooth replacement. 
  • Get teeth cleaned.  You should have your teeth cleaned and examined twice a year.  Most dental insurance companies cover teeth cleanings as preventative care.  This is one of the best ways to prevent cavities and infections so with simple preventative care that is typically low or no cost; you can reduce the chance of needing an expensive procedure down the road. 
  • Schedule treatments.  There are certain treatments we can do to protect and strengthen your teeth.  This includes completing a fluoride treatment or applying sealant as needed.  These procedures are typically done in children but can be used on adults as well.  
  • Know your options.  If your tooth is damaged and needs to be restored or has fallen out and must be replaced, we have multiple ways for doing so.  Let us know what your financial concerns are, and we can recommend a treatment plan that fits within your budget. 
In our dental office, we also provide financing solutions that make getting dental work done affordable and possible.  While you may not have the funds you need at that moment, you can still take care of your health by using this creative option.  Otherwise, we can discuss payment plants with you.  In the meantime, avoid needing a costly procedure by practicing preventative care. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Visit the Dentist and Keep Your Kids Teeth Cavity Free This Halloween

As Halloween approaches, it is a great time to visit the dentist and have your kid's teeth cleaned.  We recommend that you have their teeth cleaned and examined twice a year so that we can remove any bacteria and plaque that has built up over time.  No matter how hard you try to keep your kids teeth clean, there are spaces that are simply too hard to reach with brushing and flossing alone.  This is why a professional teeth cleaning is so important. By having their teeth cleaned this fall, we can help to prevent cavities and gum disease.  If a cavity has developed, we can treat it right away so that the infection doesn't spread, and their tooth doesn't start to hurt.  Preventing pain is far better than waiting for it to develop before getting treatment. 

This Halloween, visit the dentist and go into the holiday season with a mouth full of healthy teeth.  You can help your kids’ teeth to stay that way by encouraging them to skip the massive sugar overload that comes with Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.  One way to do so is to skip trick-or-treating this year.  Instead, you could throw a costume party for them and all of their friends.  Incorporate fun games and healthy treats instead of bags full of sugar.  If they don’t want to skip the annual tradition, you can still go out but have them trade in their candy for a new toy or another reward.  This will teach them that treats come in multiple forms, not just candy. 
Here are additional ways you can make trick-or-treating healthier, even with the candy.
  • Eat before you go.  Feed your kids a dinner that is full of healthy food like lean protein, veggies, complex carbs, and dairy products.  This will help to keep their teeth and body healthy while giving them plenty of energy.  It will also fill them up so that they will be less likely to get hungry and dive into the candy bag for nourishment. 
  • Carry snacks.  You should also carry healthy snacks like a piece of cheese or apples so that if your kids do get hungry, they can eat something that is good for them. 
  • Drink more water.  Staying hydrated is important for your kids’ health and drinking water can also help your teeth to stay healthy. If they eat a piece of candy, drinking water can wash away some of the sugar that has been deposited onto their teeth. 
  • Carry mouthwash.  You can bring a travel size antiseptic mouthwash like Listerine.  Ask your kids to rinse their mouth after eating a sugary treat so that the bacteria are killed.  This is a good idea every day and not just on Halloween. 
As a dentist, we recommend that you limit how much sugar you allow your kids to eat.  Many parents make the holidays a free for all in the treats department.  This is bad for your kids’ oral health and will make it hard for them to limit themselves as they grow.  It is better to start these healthy habits while they are young. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Tips for Avoiding Sensitive Teeth From Our Local Dental Office

We help to prevent sensitive teeth in our local dental office.  Many of our patients complain of sensitive teeth, and we work with them to take precautionary steps to ensure that they do not experience tooth pain, which is common as people age.  Teeth can become sensitive due to a cavity, gum disease or other infection along with the enamel wearing away.  This process is called demineralization and can happen due to the food that you eat, how hard you brush your teeth, and age. 

There are steps you can take to keep your teeth healthy and strong.  Some of which are so easy that you can do them at home. 
  • Stop smoking. People that smoke and use chewing tobacco put themselves at risk for oral cancer, and their gums and teeth can naturally become more sensitive.  If you can kick the habit – do so.  Your teeth and gums will start to feel better, and you may be saving yourself from a future medical problem. 
  • Don’t drink excessively.  When people drink excessive amounts of alcohol, it becomes difficult for the body to heal itself.  If you have an infection in your mouth, drinking too much can make the infection spread or last longer than it needs to. We can remove bacteria and infections in our dental office, but it is better to avoid them in the first place by allowing your body to stay healthy. 
  • Change your diet.  Improving your diet is a good way to strengthen your teeth.  Stop eating and drinking sugary items and instead, focus on healthy foods like nuts, dairy products, green leafy veggies, and crunchy fruits and veggies.  You should also drink milk and water instead of soda.  The more acidic or sugary the food is, the more likely it will be to irritate or your teeth or lead to an oral infection. 
  • Use fluoride.  Your teeth are covered with enamel, a hard mineral.  If the enamel starts to wear away, you can strengthen your teeth using fluoride toothpaste.  This mineral will be deposited onto your teeth every time that you brush and if you need your teeth to be strengthened even further, we can do so with an in-office fluoride treatment. 
  • Buy a soft toothbrush.  If you are using a hard toothbrush, there is a good chance that you are causing the enamel on your teeth to wear away.  Switch this out for a soft toothbrush and apply gentle pressure when brushing.  You can also use a battery operated toothbrush for a good clean. 
In our dental office, we can also seal your teeth to cover the dentin and ensure that the nerve endings inside of it are not exposed.  If you need further protection, we can perform a bonding procedure where a tooth colored substance is placed on top of your teeth.  Those that are damaged or cracked should have a dental crown placed around it to ensure that nothing can touch the damaged tooth and that the tooth is restored at the same time. 
These precautionary measures will help to prevent sensitive teeth, and if they develop, we can provide the necessary treatments for helping your teeth to feel better.