Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Learn About Professional Teeth Whitening Brands

Teeth WhiteningIf you want information on professional teeth whitening brands, we encourage you to call and schedule an appointment. Things are changing all the time with companies releasing new and improved products. Visiting our office allows us to provide you with the latest updates. Still, there are a few things you should know about whitening your teeth before you do so.

The Process
When you whiten your teeth, you can do so using an at-home whitening kit or with laser whitening. We recommend using the at-home kit. Regardless of how you whiten your teeth, the solution will typically contain some level of peroxide. The type of peroxide in the solution and its chemical makeup, in general, will influence how effective it is for whitening teeth. Most products you buy in the store will only remove the surface stains on your teeth. While they will make your teeth look better, they will not turn yellow teeth bright white. On the other hand, a professional-grade whitening solution penetrates the enamel and begins the process of oxidization. This is where the molecules inside your teeth begin to reflect less light and appear colorless. Your smile will look bright white as a result, and your teeth will no longer be yellow. This is the type of solution we use in our office.

The Application
When comparing professional teeth whitening brands, you should also consider how the solution is applied to the teeth. Some whitening kits have you brush on the solution using a pen, but the results from this are not significant because the solution will not remain on your teeth long enough. Whitening strips are a better option, but they can still slip out of place, and many people find them to be inconvenient. We recommend you use a kit that uses whitening trays. This way, a solution is placed in the trays for you to then secure around your teeth and wear for thirty minutes or so. The only challenge with this option is that if you buy a kit from the store, the trays will not be designed for your teeth, but for anyone who buys the products. This creates a risk of leakage or the trays slipping out of place. For this reason, we suggest you use professional teeth whitening brands sold by our office. We will begin by having you come in for an appointment, where we make an impression of your teeth. Using that impression, we will then create customized trays designed to fit you perfectly. As a result, the whitening solution will remain in place, not leak out, and the process will be entirely comfortable. Simultaneously, since the solution is professional-grade, you will see the best possible results.


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Get the Facts About Dental Veneers and How They Are Used

Dental VeneersWhat are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are some of the most versatile tools we have when it comes to correcting defects in your teeth. Dental veneers, also known as ceramic or porcelain veneers, are extremely thin pieces of porcelain that we use to replace the damaged enamel on your teeth. The reason dental veneers are so effective is their thinness. Being paper thin, these veneers take on many of the same qualities as naturally occurring enamel. They are extremely hard, which gives you a long-term solution when your enamel has become damaged. They are also extremely brittle, just like enamel, and so you will need to protect your teeth the same way you would protect natural teeth. Being extremely malleable, veneers can be molded to fix a variety of problems with the teeth.

Do dental veneers work for everyone?
Dental veneers are an extremely versatile solution, and in most cases can be used by anyone. For us to make sure that you are an excellent candidate for dental veneers, we will schedule an initial consultation and also a first examination. During your examination, we will make sure that your mouth is in excellent condition and primed to replace your enamel with the veneers. If we find any issues that might become a problem later on in the process, we will work on solutions so that your dental veneers placement is seamless. On rare occasions, during this initial examination, we will find that there are people who cannot get dental veneers and for them we will explore other potential solutions to damaged teeth.

How are dental veneers attached?
As soon as we know that you are an excellent candidate to receive dental veneers, we can proceed to the next step. This step involves selecting the color and shade that you want for your veneers. We will have your veneers custom made to fit your needs, including the shade that you choose from.  That information will along with an impression of your teeth will be sent to a dental lab for the final veneers to be created.  In the meantime, we will prepare your tooth by removing a portion of your enamel to make sure that the veneers fit flat against the rest of your tooth. Typically this is only a few millimeters but it allows the veneer to fit flush with the tooth.  We will then place a temporary veneer on top of it.

Once we have the permanent veneers, we will fit them to your tooth. After making sure that the color is right, we will make any slight adjustments so that the veneer fits the tooth perfectly. We will also check to make sure that your bite is not affected, and once all the elements are perfectly in sync we will cement the dental veneers to your teeth.

What problems do dental veneers fix?
Dental veneers can fix a whole range of challenges. They are an extremely durable and versatile solution. We use them extensively to fix minor breaks, cracks, and chips in teeth. It is often preferable to use veneers over other procedures like dental crowns because veneers only require a small portion of your enamel to be removed. Veneers are also used for cosmetic fixes like making your teeth whiter, straightening them, and correcting minor bite and placement issues.


Friday, November 27, 2015

Dental Implants Are a Popular Solution for Tooth Loss

Dental ImplantMore people are getting dental implants than ever before. This is because people around the country have discovered that they do not have to live with the stigma of tooth loss. Tooth loss can be extremely traumatic for some people, especially when the tooth loss happens at a young age. Dealing with the embarrassment is compounded by the fact that tooth loss forces people to make lifestyle changes, including how they eat and speak. With dental implants, you do not have to deal with those kinds of changes.

There are numerous technologies and methods for dealing with tooth loss. However, none are as advanced as dental implants. While dentures and bridges address the fundamental problem, which is a missing tooth, they do nothing to brace the tooth or to address the root of the problem. This means that these solutions have to be adhered to the surface of the mouth somehow, typically with wires or dental cement. On the other hand, dental implants focus their attention on the root. In fact, a dental implant is a tiny titanium screw that is placed into the jawbone, taking the place of a natural tooth's root. This provides a strong and stable platform under the gum line, which then allows us to place a dental crown, or tooth, on top of the abutment.

Getting dental implants is a lot simpler than it used to be a few years ago.  Simultaneously, science continues to dispel some of the popular myths that surround dental implants. For the longest time people have been looking at dental implants, and elsewhere around the country, as a purely aesthetic endeavor. This is an understandable misconception. When you get a dental implant, you are going to be getting a perfect tooth that is almost an identical replica of your original one. There are no wires holding it in place, so all you have is a new tooth. In fact, we can give you a tooth, or teeth, that look far better than your original ones.  Naturally this perfection has led to the idea that all we care about is the aesthetics. Nothing could be further from the truth, and science is starting to show this. We know, for example, that when you use a dental implant to replace a lost tooth, the implants acts like a naturally occurring root. It creates a symbiotic relationship with the jawbone, which in turn allows the jawbone to receive stimulation from the prosthetic. This helps the jaw to avoid resorption and also keeps the facial structure from a potential collapse.

There are already 3 million people across the nation that have gotten dental implants. What we know is that the rate of dental implants is increasing annually, but that there are a lot of people still using antiquated technology. In our dentist office, we encourage every one of the 15 million Americans that are using bridges or dentures to consider switching to get the best looking, most effective, longest lasting tooth replacement available today.


Monday, November 2, 2015

An Invisalign® Dentist Has Solutions For You and Your Teen

Invisalign DentistAs an Invisalign dentist, we are seeing a greater interest in young adults and teens for this alternative means of straightening teeth. Invisalign® has two distinct qualities that make it immensely popular among adults. They are extremely convenient to use, and they are very discrete. The inconspicuous nature of these tooth straightening devices have made them a favorite among adults who want to straighten their teeth without having the slightly embarrassing look that comes from wearing traditional braces. For adults, it is almost revolutionary that they have a discrete path to straighter more beautiful teeth. Sadly, a lot of parents have not made the same leap when it comes to planning a treatment for their teenagers.  They are among the largest group that use braces; they are also a group that depends on their parents to make medical choices for them. As such, there is certainly a strong case to be made for selecting Invisalign® for teenagers.

The makers of Invisalign® have come out with a new product designed specifically with a teenage audience in mind. Similar to adults, teenagers have a lot of peer pressure and the desire to hide their treatment, as they straighten their teeth, is very important to teenagers. When you consider the habits of most teenagers, the food that they prefer to eat, the importance looks play in their social structure, and their busy schedules it becomes clear that parents should be considering Invisalign® Teen as an option for their growing child. It is a stellar alternative to the traditional metal braces.

There are natural advantages to working with Invisalign®, however, some patients have concerns about the effectiveness, and so it is important to note that this product works on exactly the same principle as traditional braces. Traditional braces work to move teeth into a proper alignment by exerting pressure on them. This is achieved using connected brackets, screws, and rubber bands. With Invisalign® the same effect is evident by using a series of progressive aligners, essentially putting a similar amount of pressure on the teeth to make them move. The difference is that with the new technology, this can be achieved without you or your teenager having to have a mouth full of metal and constantly having to visit our office for adjustments.  As an Invisalign® dentist, we find that the conveniences of this solution cannot be understated.

One of the biggest complaints teenagers have against traditional braces, other than the fact that it hampers their looks, is the fact that it comes with a laundry list of foods that can no longer be eaten. Since braces are permanently affixed to the mouth, they have to be protected from damage. As a result your child will not be able to eat anything that is too sticky, too sweet, too sour, or too hard for fear that any of these may damage the wires or brackets in the braces. With Invisalign® there are no such restrictions. The aligners are fully removable and are supposed to be taken out to eat meals. Once you are done eating, rinse out your mouth to clean your teeth, then put the aligners back in.  As an Invisalign® dentist, we can go over all of the benefits with you during a consultation.


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Call Us if You Need an Emergency Dentist

Emergency Dentist
As an emergency dentist, we understand that it is impossible to control when you will have a dental emergency.  Even those who are fastidious about oral health can still end up in a car wreck, hurt while playing sports, slip and fall down, etc., all of which can lead to a damaged tooth and dental emergency.  In fact, according to the National Fall Safety Institute slip and falls account for 9 million trips to the emergency room every year.  With that in mind, you truly never know when you may need emergency dentist care.  Fortunately, we are here when you do.  Regardless of how you hurt yourself or how damaged your teeth are, give us a call.  If we do not answer, we will get back to you right away so that you can receive the dental care that you need.

Solutions Offered by an Emergency Dentist
As an emergency dentist, we offer extended hours that are far beyond what you can find with a traditional dentist.  Many local dentists restrict their hours of operation to Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 5 pm.  While this works for many people, it can make it difficult for those with busy work schedules or a dental emergency to get the care that they need.  As a result, many people seek dental care from the emergency room of a local hospital.  This is unwise because general physicians are not trained in how to diagnose or treat dental problems.  They can triage the problem and provide medication, but that's it.  This leads to repeat visits because the health issue is never actually addressed.  When you visit our dental office, your experience will be entirely different.  Even though we are available 24 hours a day, we still provide the same comprehensive dental care that you can receive during normal business hours.  This means that we can examine your teeth, take x-rays, diagnose the problem and provide you with immediate care.  If you have damaged your tooth, we may restore it with a bonding procedure, dental veneers, or dental crowns.  If you have lost a tooth, we can try to save it or provide you with a denture, dental bridge, or dental implant as a replacement solution.  Finally, if your tooth is infected, we can typically save it by performing a root canal.
When you visit our dental office, you can be confident knowing that you will receive the highest quality of dental care from a team of experts.  We are equipped to handle whatever your dental needs may be.

Tips for Staying Healthy
If you want to decrease the chance that you will ever need an emergency dentist, it is important to take care of your teeth and gums. While you cannot prevent most accidents, if you play sports you can decrease your risk for getting injured.  We recommend that you wear a mouthguard while playing or practicing sports so that your teeth will not be damaged if hit.  Simultaneously, if you receive ongoing dental care, the chance of you developing a sudden toothache will also be reduced.


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Common Dental Myths Debunked by Our Dental Office

In our dental office, we are regularly asked questions about oral health, and some of the things we hear are based on myth rather than reality. It is normal for dental myths to circulate throughout the community, but a few can lead to unhealthy habits, so it is important to visit our dental office to ask questions if you have them. This way, we can make sure you are armed with the correct information that can lead to healthy teeth and gums. In the meantime, here are some truths you should know.

Myth #1: Natural sugar is not bad for your teeth.
The Truth – All sugar is bad for your teeth. Whether it is found in fruit juice, honey, etc., the more sugar and starch that you eat and drink, the more likely you are to get cavities. We recommend that you brush your teeth after eating and rinse your mouth after drinking juice, milk, or anything else high in sugar.

Myth #2: Baby teeth do not matter since they are going to fall out anyway.
The Truth – Baby teeth are incredibly important. We encourage parents to take care of their children's baby teeth by brushing and flossing them on a daily basis and visiting our dental office for a professional cleaning once or twice a year. This allows us to keep their teeth healthy and cavity-free. Remember that your child's teeth will hurt if they get a cavity, just like it would if you got a cavity. Taking care of them is not optional if you want to keep your children healthy and comfortable.

Myth #3: If my gums bleed, I should avoid brushing them.
The Truth – Gums that bleed typically do so because of gum disease. Yes, you can irritate your gums by brushing too aggressively, but if you are applying steady pressure, they should be fine. Brushing them is a way to help them return to better health because any plaque that is presently irritating them needs to be removed. If they continue to bleed, visit our office for a dental examination and deep cleaning.

Myth #4: Hard toothbrushes are the best for your teeth.
The Truth – It is easy to understand why it would seem like hard toothbrushes are the best. In truth, they can damage your teeth. Aggressive brushing can lead to erosion, and when the enamel erodes, it will not grow back. When too much of it is lost, you could have sensitive teeth that can only be helped with another dental procedure, such as the placing of a dental crown or a bonding procedure. To protect your teeth and keep them clean, we recommend using a soft or electronic toothbrush. By brushing with even pressure for two minutes at a time, you can get your teeth sparkling clean without the risk of being too aggressive.

We invite you to call our dental office and schedule an appointment to ask all your oral health questions. This way, you can receive the information you need for lifelong oral health while making sure you are not operating under any dental myths.


Wednesday, September 30, 2015

If You Are Pressed for Time, You Need CEREC Dentistry

CEREC DentistryWe provide CEREC dentistry for patients looking for an immediate dental restoration or to improve the appearance of their smile. If you are currently in need of dental care and want to have your oral health issues solved immediately, CEREC is the best solution for you because it allows us to eliminate the need for a dental lab in most cases. This means there is no delay between when you visit our office with a need and when we will be able to resolve that need.

Traditional Dentistry vs. CEREC Dentistry

The difference between the two options is dramatic, and the best way to describe it is with an example. If you chip a tooth playing softball, you will need to visit a dentist to have that tooth restored so you can eat like normal and not be in discomfort. Typically, on your first appointment, your teeth will be examined and x-rays taken. Next, an impression of your mouth and measurements will be taken so information can be sent to the dental lab for them to create a new crown or veneer. While, in the office, a portion of enamel will be removed from your tooth so when the final restoration is complete, it can be placed without making your tooth appear overly large. The challenge is that your prepared tooth will be sensitive to everything, including air. To protect it, a temporary restoration needs to be secured using removable glue. You will then need to wear it for a week or two and be careful with what you eat and how you brush your teeth during this time. Many patients have complained that this is inconvenient and requires too many dental appointments since you would then need to come back in so the temporary can be removed and the final restoration bonded in place. That scenario is what you can expect with traditional dentistry.

CEREC dentistry is entirely different. When you come in for a restoration, measurements and images are taken and then uploaded into our software so a 3D model of your tooth can be created. The software will come up with a blueprint that is sent to our milling machine so your restoration can be completed while your tooth is being prepared. A portion of the enamel will still need to be removed, but once done, there is no need for a temporary restoration to be secured. This means you will not need to worry about what you eat or have the temporary come loose. Instead, you will be fitted for a permanent restoration before you leave, and we will bond it in place. When you walk out our doors, you will be doing so with a fully restored tooth that looks completely natural. In this way, CEREC dentistry is enhancing and improving the experience of our patients.

Given how fast and easy CEREC dentistry is, many of our patients are also seeking this solution to improve the appearance of their teeth by using restorations to close gaps, make teeth appear straighter, cover dark stains, and more. To learn about these options for your smile, call and schedule an appointment today.


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Impact And Convenience Of Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers
Among dental devices, dental veneers have made a true impact on how people get their teeth fixed. The goal when you go to a cosmetic dentist is to make sure you leave with a better smile and great-looking teeth. To this end, your cosmetic dentist has a number of tools and tricks, including multiple treatment options that can be used in tandem to give you the best results. Even in this crowded marketplace, dental veneers have been able to shine with their price point, their ease of use, and a number of other advantages they bring to the table. As the demand for better-looking smiles has increased, dental veneers have become one of the most popular ways to achieve that. Many people like the fact that dental veneers augment the teeth, keeping most of your original tooth structure in place while making them look better. Whenever you start augmenting your teeth or using a dental prosthetic, you will be in a situation where your cosmetic dentist will need to remove some or all of your natural enamel to fit the new device.

When it comes to dental veneers, we only remove a very small portion of the enamel, often less than a few millimeters. This allows the veneers to fit properly on the tooth. On the other hand, if you were to get dental crowns, they would require that we shave away the vast majority of your natural enamel, leaving only a nub to which we can attach the new crown for stability. With dental implants, it is even more severe. Dental implants, unlike dental veneers, require that we remove the entire tooth and the root with it, so there is room for a new implant and its new crown. The ability to save the vast majority of your enamel is only one advantage dental veneers offer. Other advantages include a quicker healing and treatment time.

When you opt to get dental veneers, you are shortening the time of your treatment significantly. For the most part, unless there are unforeseen circumstances, you will get your custom dental veneers fitted on the second visit. While this visit may be slightly longer than a traditional appointment, it is far shorter than the treatment time that comes with other options of treatment. For example, you can actually correct mild malocclusion, or crooked teeth, with your dental veneers. On the other hand, you could choose to use braces or Invisalign ® to do the same treatment. Where your veneers would be fitted and completed in the second visit, your braces would require a year or more of treatment. While it is true that veneers can only resolve minor crooked teeth, and that if your condition is severe, you will still need braces or Invisalign®, it is also true that after you are done with your straightening using one of those methods, you will need to add additional treatments like teeth whitening to finish the effect. Dental veneers can solve both problems in one simple solution.


Friday, August 21, 2015

The Importance of A Dental Office Visit

Dental OfficeWe know that the dental office probably ranks highly among places you would least like to visit on a regular basis. Which, in a sense, is ironic given that people who make a habit of coming to the dentist office at least twice a year ultimately end up spending less time getting treatment. This is because we are able to do two things on these routine visits. First, we keep the teeth clean and remove excess plaque. The removal of excess plaque helps contribute to lowered potential for cavities. Second, we examine your mouth thoroughly, which allows us to catch any budding problems and treat them before they grow into something more serious. However, there are still many people who have not heard the message that visiting your dental office will actually save you time, money, and discomfort in the long run. In a study conducted recently, researchers looked at data concerning dental visits over a 12-month span. To get an accurate assessment, they looked at the 10-year span from 2002 to 2012 and found that the overall percentage of people who visit the dentist at least once every 12 months had gone down in that time period. In 2002, 44.5 percent of people visited the dentist at least once a year. By 2012, that number had dropped to 42.1 percent. This means that fewer people are coming in for an annual checkup.

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), there is already 27.5 percent of Americans who suffer from untreated decay and cavities. In some demographics, children between the ages of 12 and 15, for example, that number is much higher, often around 50 percent. In addition to this, there is an entire segment of the adult population, 14 percent to be precise, that believes the condition of their teeth is poor. A routine, often short, visit to the dentist office can cure many of these problems and help you stay in the best oral health possible. For the folks who have not been to a dental office in a while and need a little more prompting, here are a few additional reasons why you should consider making that appointment as soon as possible.

The mouth, in many senses, is a barometer for the rest of your body. Examining your mouth gives the staff at the dental office an insight into what is going on with your health. An example of this is that we can tell if you have a vitamin deficiency just through the process of examining your mouth. In addition to this, it has become standard practice at dental offices around the country to conduct a routine oral cancer screening when doing your bi-annual examination. This is because of a growing concern about the number of oral cancer cases. For a dentist, it makes sense to perform the screening, because it is easier for us to catch early symptoms, like lesions that may appear on the mouth or in the throat. Catching a disease like cancer gives you the best chance of fighting and curing it, making screenings an important reason to visit the dental office.


Monday, August 3, 2015

Visit Our General Dentist Office as Part of Your Back to School Routine

General Dentist
If you have a child that is going back to school, or you are headed back to school yourself, visit our general dentist office as part of your back to school routine. Visiting the dentist regularly is incredibly important, and fitting it into your schedule at a time you will remember can be challenging. Including a visit to our general dentist office in your normal routine makes it more convenient for you.

Save Time
Back to school season is a busy time for everyone, but scheduling important medical and dentist appointments during this time makes sense. Avoid having to take off work or school later by visiting the general dentist now, while you still have a little free time. If you schedule an appointment now, you won't have to think about coming to the dentist for another six months. This will give you an abundance of time to get back into a routine at school or work before you have to make another visit, and it may help you plan ahead for when you know you will have time off.

Prepare for Sports
If you or your child are planning on playing sports this year, a visit to a general dentist office is even more important to consider. A great form of protection from dental damage and tooth loss is a mouthguard, which can be worn during all physical activities that could involve a collision with a ball or another person. Wearing a correctly manufactured and comfortably fitted mouthguard during sports, physical education classes, and even recess can save you time and money in the long run. More importantly, it can save your teeth from irreversible damage and a lot of discomfort.

Revamp Your Diet
Once you have your teeth checked, you may be encouraged to revamp your diet for the coming year. If you have cavities, it may be a rude awakening that you should avoid eating as many sweets, drinking as much soda, or consuming acidic, sticky, and sweet substances altogether. Packing your lunch or planning to eat healthy meals is not only great for your overall health and waistline, but it is also necessary for a healthy mouth. When you visit our general dentist office as part of your back to school routine, we can help suggest healthy foods and drinks that can contribute to stronger teeth.

Maintain Proper Oral Hygiene
Visiting our general dentist office will help you or your child develop better oral hygiene. During the summer break, when you are having fun all day and staying up late, it is easy to forget to perform regular brushing and flossing. If we find cavities during your visit, we can remove the damage and repair your tooth before the coming school year. We can also point out areas where you may not be performing the best brushing or flossing techniques and provide tips on how to accomplish a perfect oral hygiene routine. Also, don't forget to buy new toothbrushes and toothpaste while you are out purchasing school gear.

Do not forget to visit our general dentist office as you are preparing all areas of your life for the school year. We can help you maintain good health and keep you or your child in school without the need to take time off to have a filling placed or a general teeth cleaning.


Thursday, July 30, 2015

Do You Qualify to Get a Dental Implant

Dental ImplantA dental implant does more than just give you a chance to have your tooth back; it has changed the entire complexion of the conversation about tooth loss. Previously when you lost teeth, you had the option of choosing either wires and cement or the adhesive that would bond your dentures in place. Today there is a more sophisticated option that not only replaces your visible tooth structure, also known as the crown but replaces the root as well. Dental implants are the most secure and stable way to replace lost teeth.

As a new technology, people have a lot of questions about getting a dental implant. For example, patients want to know how long dental implants last, what the procedures are for placing them, and whether or not they are eligible to get them. As far as the last question goes, there are really no reasons why a person would not be eligible for dental implants, provided their body, and specifically their mouth, are healthy enough for the surgery and for sustaining and supporting the implant as long as it lasts. It is important to remember, from an eligibility standpoint, that dental implants are placed directly into your jawbone by an oral surgeon or a periodontist.

This involves surgery, and you need to be healthy enough for this surgery. Some of the things that may automatically preclude you from getting dental implants include: untreated or out of control periodontal disease, diabetes that has not be treated, cancer that requires ongoing radiation treatments, smoking, and alcoholism. Each of these may restrict your body's ability to bond with the implants or its ability to heal, which drastically increases the probability that the implants will not work.

Dental implants have a very high rate of success, with some studies placing the success rate as high as 98%. This is partly because we take a great deal of care in ensuring that you are ready for a dental implant, sometimes deviating from the standard process to ensure that your jawbone can handle the implant. The journey to getting a dental implant or dental implants starts with a comprehensive examination. This examination will include X-rays and CT scans that give us a complete picture of the condition of your mouth and the density of your jawbone. Dental imaging will also tell us if there are any additional procedures that may be needed to shore up the jawbone. One of the most common procedures that we have to do is known as an alveolar bone graft. With this, we will place a cadaver or synthetic bone to ensure that the jawbone has enough density to withstand and support the implant. Sometimes we may also do a procedure known as an onlay bone graft. This is typically done when there is no tooth and there is insufficient bone available to successfully perform the implant placement. These surgeries take time to recover from, so you will be healing for around six months before the next phase of the implant process. For a few lucky patients, the damaged or missing tooth can immediately be replaced during the same appointment, which is known as an immediate implant placement.


Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Longevity and Durability of Dental Veneers

Dental VeneersDental veneers are one of the most innovative ways to replace teeth enamel that has become damaged, discolored, or is no longer appealing to look at. When teeth are not as white as they should be or are misplaced, you can use dental veneers to help solve these problems. As they get more popular, people want to know how long these devices will last. This is actually a very good question. Dental veneers are placed by removing a small part of the surface enamel and then using dental cement to hold the dental veneers in place. From our perspective, we know that dental veneers tend to last at least 10 years. Naturally, this depends a great deal on how well you take care of your teeth and if you do things that may put your teeth and dental veneers at risk. There have been numerous studies done around the longevity of veneers. What we have found is that when we studied people who have veneers, the largest group was people whose veneers lasted between five and six years. When the time frame was expanded to between 10 and 11 years, that number dropped but not significantly. People whose veneers had lasted this long accounted for 93 percent, which was almost the same as people whose veneers had lasted for between 12 and 13 years (91 percent). This shows that people who take care of their veneers can have them last a very long time. The first real drop we saw in the study was when we expanded the life cycle of the dental veneers to between 15 and 16 years. When we looked at the number of patients whose veneers had lasted this long, we found that 71 percent still had their original veneers without any need for repair or replacement.

With dental veneers, as with many things, how well you take care of them will determine how well they will last for you. You cannot do things like using your teeth as a tool, as you risk damaging the teeth and can reduce the life of your dental veneers. We have found that of all the dental veneers that failed, 45 percent of them failed because they had a fracture due to trauma, which can include putting too much pressure on them. An additional 28 percent failed because they were cracked, also a kind of trauma. This shows a very direct correlation between how long your veneers can last and what you do with your teeth.

Another thing to be aware of when it comes to your veneers is that they will respond to your oral health habits. Bad habits can lead to things like gum disease, which can cause the dental veneers to fail. In fact, 13 percent of failed veneers did so because of complications with gum disease. Seven percent failed because of plaque buildup that took place because the patient had bad oral health habits. These are easy to avoid with a little bit of diligence and can greatly extend the life of your veneers.


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Visit a Cosmetic Dentist if You Damage a Tooth in an Accident

As a cosmetic dentist, we work with patients that do not enjoy the appearance of their smile.  This is often due to dark stains or yellow teeth, gaps in between teeth, crooked teeth or those that are uneven in shape.  The aesthetic challenges that people have with their smile are vast, and we have a solution for addressing virtually all of them, including dental veneers and dental implants.  In most cases, our patients plan ahead for their visit and carefully consider what they want fixed with their smile.  There are times, however, where patients come to see us with a damaged tooth.  If this happens to you, we invite you to give us a call.

The likelihood of your tooth becoming cracked, chipped, or even knocked out is higher than you may think.  Most people do not consider whether or not they will be in an accident or what they would do if their tooth became damaged.  This is unfortunately because over 9 million people visit the ER after a slip and fall accident every year, there are around 5.4 million car wrecks, and over 5 million children will suffer from a sports-related injury.  The chances of being in an accident are incredibly high, and the only question is whether or not your teeth will become damaged in the process.  If they do, we encourage you to call us instead of seeking treatment from the emergency room.

When you visit the ER for a chipped tooth, the doctor can give you medication and send you on your way.  They are not trained in how to restore teeth.  Simultaneously, if you see a dentist that specializes in general care, they may be unable to restore your tooth in a way that looks natural.  As a cosmetic dentist, we specialize in dental restorations, dental veneers, and dental implants, and have multiple solutions for correcting a tooth that is cracked, chipped or otherwise broken while helping it to blend in with the surrounding teeth.  This way, when you smile, no one will be able to tell that you ever damaged your tooth in the first place.  This is our goal – to create a natural and beautiful restoration in a timely fashion.

Any time that you are in an accident and damage your tooth, it is imperative that you have it restored quickly.  A tooth that is cracked or chipped is susceptible to becoming infected.  Bacteria can enter the center of the tooth this way, infect the dental pulp and create the need for a root canal.  This can be uncomfortable on top of the damage that already exists.  By using dental veneers or crowns to restore your teeth, we can prevent this from happening and give you the ability to use your tooth without restriction.

Our solutions
Some of the restorative solutions we use in our cosmetic dentist office are dental bonding, dental veneers, and dental crowns.  We can also replace your knocked out tooth using a dental bridge or dental implant.  Regardless of how your tooth was damaged or how bad the damage is – give us a call for a natural looking restoration.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

A Cosmetic Dentist Can Help You With Bite Balancing

Cosmetic Dentist
As a cosmetic dentist, we can complete bite balancing procedures to improve the appearance and function of your bite.  When most people think about a beautiful smile, they think of bright, white, and straight teeth.  Few consider the jaw.  However, the jaw and bite often have the largest impact on how the smile looks.  This is because if you have an overbite, underbite or crossbite, it can alter the shape of your face.   Very often this is improved with orthodontics as part of a braces treatment.  It can also be corrected by cosmetic dentistry.
Whether you are best served by orthodontics or cosmetic dentistry depends on what is causing your bite to be off in the first place. As a dentist, we will examine your teeth and gums, take x-rays and watch for signs of anything that could disrupt how your teeth come together.  

Some common reasons are –
  • Old dental work that has worn down such as an older crown
  • Chipped teeth
  • Uneven tooth wear
  • Receding gums
  • Adult tooth loss
  • Teeth moving out of position due to a tongue thrust, accident, etc.
If we notice any of these issues during your dental examination, we can talk about the procedures that can be used to aid in your bite balancing.  For example, if your bite is off due to a chipped tooth, we can restore the tooth in our cosmetic dentistry office.  This can be done with a bonding procedure or a dental crown.  Both appear natural, and both will restore the full functionality of the damaged tooth.  Once the chip has been restored, your teeth should come together properly.  Another example is if a few teeth are worn down and the bite is not coming together correctly as a result.  This too can be fixed with dental crowns and once done, your bite should be improved.

Some other ways that bite balancing can occur is by replacing any teeth that have been lost.  We can use dental implants or a dental bridge to replace missing teeth.  As a cosmetic dentist, we perform these procedures on a regular basis, and once all of your missing teeth are replaced, it will be easier to bite down correctly.  Your smile will be improved at the same time.  Any time that we complete a procedure like this for bite balancing we will not only replace the tooth but ensure that the shape is a perfect for your bite.  This requires the skill of an expert, making it necessary to visit a cosmetic dentist that completes restorations on a regular basis.
If you have more significant issues with your smile or your bite, we may recommend retention or an orthodontics procedure. We will discuss the pros and cons of all options, which procedures can be completed the fastest and what is best for your particular situation. Our bite balancing procedures are incredibly effective and as a cosmetic dentist, we can make sure that your bite and smile are beautiful.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Keep Our Emergency Dentist Office On Your Contact List

Emergency Dentist
No one of plans an emergency dentist visit. Even as we write this, we know the vast majority of you are probably thinking, what a silly thing to prepare for. The truth is that most people have developed an idea that teeth are invulnerable. Others don’t even consider teeth at all outside of brushing them or if something gets stuck between them. This nonchalant attitude is based on the fact that, while dental emergencies do happen, we have a cheerful disconnect with regard to them ever happening to us. There is little doubt that lifestyle affects how likely it is that you will need emergency dental care, be it dental or otherwise. At the same time, there are factors that cannot be controlled. Things like DNA, accidents, or unforeseeable diseases can affect your teeth at the most inopportune times, requiring you to visit an emergency dentist for care. The most important piece of advice we can give you is that when you have a situation where you need emergency medical care for your teeth, you do not pause or delay. Delaying can lead to further damage, a spreading infection, or a worsening gum disease.

In reality, the need for an emergency dentist is one that is growing. As people play more aggressive sports and become more aware of the importance of taking care of their teeth, people are more conscious of the need to seek medical attention in the advent of a dental emergency. Often they do not know where or how to get hold of an emergency dentist. As a result, a large number of people will end up in the emergency room of their local hospital. There is nothing wrong with visiting the ER if you have an accident or are in immediate need, as long as you realize that the skilled doctors there are not trained to be dentists. This means they will treat the symptoms, like pain, and send you home without ever treating the cause of the pain. Unfortunately with dental challenges, often there is a deep underlying reason you are experiencing discomfort. Typically people who visited an emergency room with a dental emergency had to return there or go see their regular dentist. Statistically, 20% of patients seen and treated for dental emergencies in an ER, returned shortly thereafter with the same problem. An emergency dentist, on the other hand, is trained to look for, and cure, the root causes of your discomfort so that the problem actually goes away.

There are many reasons that bring a person in to see an emergency dentist. Many of those same reasons are likely to drive you to go to an emergency room if you do not have contact information for us. Therefore, we highly recommend keeping contact information for your emergency dentist handy. The most common reason people seek dental attention is having a toothache. Other reasons, why people have been known to come in for emergency dental treatment, includes cracked teeth, a tooth that has been chipped, a knocked out tooth in an accident, or the loss of a filling. All of these are issues that we can correct quickly.

Friday, April 3, 2015

What Is a Cosmetic Dentist and What Do They Do?

Cosmetic Dentist
The difference between a cosmetic dentist and a general dentist is that while a general dentist is usually solely focused on the function and health of a person's teeth, gums and/or bite, a cosmetic dentist specializes in the appearance of the teeth in addition to their function.

For the most part, general dentists focus on ensuring that your teeth and gums are both functional and healthy. However, while they may be functional, not all dental solutions look good. While patients may be relieved that their problem has been 'fixed', some people may not be happy with how their teeth look, especially in regard to their front teeth.

In our office, the work of a cosmetic dentist extends beyond ensuring that your teeth and gums are both functional and healthy. They are also concerned about whether or not you are pleased with the appearance of your teeth and, if not, work to create a beautiful smile that you are pleased with. They do not just restore teeth to their original appearance, but work to improve the shape and color of your teeth, which will largely depend on your personal preferences and opinion.  This doesn't necessarily mean that every person wants or can achieve, a 'Hollywood' smile. It simply means that crooked, misaligned or stained teeth can play havoc with your self-image and we can correct them.

Common Cosmetic Dental Procedures
  • Teeth Whitening: Not only do many people have naturally yellowish teeth, but the enamel is susceptible to discoloration by certain medications, red wine, coffee, tea, and nicotine. Many stains can be removed, and natural discoloration improved by a whitening procedure.
  • Dental Veneers: Dental veneers, made of either porcelain or composite resin, are wafer-thin, custom-made, 'shells' bonded to each tooth. They are custom made to match the natural color of your teeth and improve your appearance by changing the shape, length or size of an existing tooth.
  • Crowns: Dental crowns are tooth-shaped "caps" that partially, or completely, covers the visible part of the tooth. Crowns can restore or change the shape of the tooth, and thus can vastly improve its appearance.
  • Crown-Lengthening: raises and sculpts the gum line. This procedure reshapes the gum tissue which can balance an asymmetrical gum line, or reduce a 'gummy' smile. 
  • Bonding: a process in which an enamel-like material is applied to the surface of the tooth, sculpted, then hardened and polished.
If you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth and would like to improve your smile, there are quite a few options open to you over and above the few mentioned above.  After examining your mouth and thoroughly assessing your individual problems, we will be able to discuss all possible options with you, including the pros and cons of each method. We will also discuss what the changes will look like, the details of the treatment, and what maintenance will be necessary. As a cosmetic dentist, our goal is to produce the result that you are happy with and to use the least invasive procedures as possible.

Monday, March 30, 2015

In Our Dental Office We Use Fluoride: Here’s Why

Dental Office
When you visit our dental office, we may discuss fluoride with you. This is especially true if you have children.  Fluoride has become such a household name that it is easy to assume that most people know what it is and why it is good for them. We have found, however, that most of our patients are still unclear as to the benefits and why it helps in the first place.  With that in mind, here is why fluoride is one of our favorite tools for preventing cavities.
What is demineralization?
The process of the enamel on the outside of the tooth starting to wear away or become softer.  Demineralization occurs naturally as a person ages.  It can happen faster due to a poor or acidic diet, a lack of oral hygiene, brushing too aggressively, or failing to visit the dentist on a regular basis.  It creates a risk because teeth that are softer and weaker are less able to fight off tooth decay.  This leads to a situation where cavities are more prevalent.  In order to understand why fluoride is important, you must first know about demineralization and understand that everyone goes through this at some point.  Fluoride, however, can help to remineralize the teeth.  When you drink it, or fluoride is placed onto the teeth, it can strengthen them, and strong teeth are better equipped to fight off tooth decay.  In fact, after a fluoride treatment, the progression of tooth decay can often be stopped, and some of the damage reversed.
Where do you get fluoride?
In its natural state, fluorine is virtually everywhere.  It is in the food that you had for lunch, the air that you breathed in the restaurant and the dirt that you walked on.  While natural, it is not found in significant enough quantities in these states to make a major difference into how strong your teeth are.  In order to get the full benefit, you have to either drink fluoride through the public water or schedule a fluoride treatment with our dental office. In both scenarios, you will decrease your risk of getting cavities by thirty percent. We also recommend that you brush with a fluoride toothpaste two to three times per day in order to further strengthen your teeth.  While the paste is not as effective, it can work well to augment these other activities.
Why it's important to use fluoride –
In our dental office, we can treat tooth decay but prefer for our patients to avoid getting a cavity in the first place.  This can be hard to do considering that the CDC reported the single largest infectious disease in children is tooth decay.  It leads to missed days of school and causes uncomfortable toothaches, making it important to fight the condition and take steps to further prevent cavities. Knowing that, the benefits associated with reducing cavities by thirty percent are significant.  To learn more or to find out how fluoride treatments can help your child or teen, call and schedule an appointment.
